Felix Semper is an Internationally renowned artist and his art reflects his culture and his experiences as he has traveled and lived internationally, he has been featured in National and International primetime television shows, radio, documentaries, and newspapers such as The New York Post, His work is collected and sought after by celebrities, royalty, corporations, and International art collectors alike.
Semper is known for his mind-bending stretchable paper sculptures, He is constantly seeking new ways to incorporate materials of everyday life such as paper, books, vinyl records, wood, and found objects into his sculptures. His stretchable paper sculptures appearing to be stone or other materials are in fact entirely comprised of layers of paper. Felix’s stretchable paper sculptures are inspired by everyday items and pop culture, . They are made from glued layers of paper, sliced wood, books, recycled materials, etc. This fluid movement gives the sculpture playful mobility as opposed to the traditional aesthetic. He has transformed the media to stretch, twist, elongate and retract. Felix invites viewers to experience sculpture in an insightful new way.
His Artistic talents are not only in sculpture but they are also in painting, as he brings a sophisticated raw, street and graffiti feeling to his canvases.
He is constantly seeking new ways to incorporate materials of everyday life into his sculptures, as he has transformed and redefined the medium, he has brought his stretchable paper art to new frontiers.
Semper is taking his art to new levels while working directly with CMO's and marketing teams to develop corporate art that not only represents the company and its core but reach new marketing levels. Semper's work has been collected by global Corporations and Celebrities such as Business Insider, Marriott International,Champs Sports, Adidas, Axel Arigato, A$AP Rocky, DJ Khaled, Fat Joe, Wendy Williams, Ryan Seacrest and Kelly Ripa from Live with Kelly and Ryan and numerous private collectors and institutions. Semper has transformed and redefined the concept of sculpture as we know it, leaving behind more common materials such as marble, plaster or metal. The moving paper sculptures are revolutionizing the world of art.
Semper is a ground breaking visionary artist in every respect using paper and other materials; he has transformed and redefined sculpture as we know it.